Great Holiday Gift Ideas; Last Minute Gifts to Keep on Hand This Christmas

go-cuddles-n-cookie-basketThe Holiday Season brings with it the delightful possibility of unexpected guests. Old friends, out of town family members, and neighbors we don't visit with as often as we'd like each may stop in for a bit of Christmas cheer. If a surprise visitor rings your bell this season, don't be caught off guard. Keep a few of these easy gift ideas tucked away and you'll have something ready for anyone who comes by.

A Gift Certificate - Next time you are shopping at your favorite store, pick up a few gift certificates to keep tucked away in your box of gifts for unexpected visitors. Gift certificates are an excellent choice in this situation because if you don't need to give them away, you can use them yourself and you won't be out any extra money. To make these gift certificates a bit more personal, pick up an inexpensive gift certificate holder designed for this purpose. Many Christmas themed holders are available and you can even make your own if you look for an inexpensive Christmas decoration or ornament into which you might tuck the certificate.

A Home Fragrance - Home fragrance makes a perfect gift for just about anyone. Home fragrance can take many forms, but the most attractive for gift giving is a candle. Choose candles that are neutral in color and if the candles are not wrapped, be sure to keep them stored in air tight, zip to close bags to keep the strength of the fragrance strong. Gifts like these can be arranged in inexpensive baskets, or other creative containers
available for purchase at a local dollar store.

A Good Book - Keep your eyes open for good books that might make nice gifts. Nonfiction usually works better in this situation, but a good fiction piece having to do with Christmas or New Year's would be appropriate too. Pick up a clever bookmark to tuck inside each book and consider writing a personal message inside the front cover before presenting it to the recipient.

Baked Goods - If you are handy in the baking area, consider baking up a few batches of your favorite cookies. Double bag them in zip to close freezer bags and tuck them away in the freezer until you need them. Keep a few Christmas themed cookie tins on hand to put them in when you present them as gifts.

Keep a collection of gifts like these tucked away during the Christmas season and avoid the awkwardness of not having a special something for unexpected guests.
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