Saying "Thank You!" Is More Than Good Manners

No matter what kind of business you have, you reach a point where you need to thank a customer, client, or visitor. Be it for a purchase, a sign-up or a referral.

I have several years of experience in non-profit work, which included volunteer management. The rule of thumb here is you thank each volunteer 7 times for one action. No, you don't say 'thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.'

You ought to thank them at various 'natural points': at the time they express interest in volunteering, at the time they show up to work and when they leave.

But then you should also thank them in other ways. Often a thank you letter, printing their name (or group name) in a brochure or event flyer, and at the year end, offer a small thank you recognition, such as a certificate or an item with the organization's name on it.

These little things make a person feel appreciated *and* keep them connected to your organization.

Getting & training volunteers is an expensive part of operating a non-profit organization, so keeping them is much better in the long run. And it is no different in businesses that you run for profit. Everyone talks about how much cheaper it is to retain customers than it is to go out & attract new ones. So what are you doing to thank your customers, your clients?

Here is a short list of both 'natural points' or places to say thank you on your website as well as other ways to surprise them:

Subscriber sign-ups

When a surfer joins your email list, newsletter etc., they have shown interest in your company. They are pre-qualified. After they hit submit, send them to a Thank You Page, where there is an incredible offer to thank them for signing up. (Be sure to include a link back to your home page, so even if they decline the offer, they can still find you!)

Those who buy items

Include with the order a 'bounce back' coupon with a special thank you discount or free item with their next purchase.

Gift Ideas For Clients

Consider purchasing your clients gift subscriptions to their favorite professional magazines as thanks for their business. Each issue, they'll be reminded of you.

Gift Ideas For Everyone

Keep a list of all clients/customers and do a yearly mailing. Pick a date to thank everyone for their support. I personally think this should not be Holiday theme one, as 'everyone' does that, and you are one of how many companies? But a solo one on say your company's anniversary, or some other unique date means you will not have to compete for their attention!

Who: Other times to say 'Thank You'

Referrals Anyone who sends business your way deserves recognition.

When you are late on shipping or providing a service - not just an emailed apology or explanation 'at the time' to announce it, but a follow up with sincerity!

Service providers, vendors, those you network with - thank them for all they do to assist you and remember, they are people with purchasing power themselves!

How: What stands out

Send a personal, handwritten Thank You Note. People who send personal notes are thought of as gracious, of having excellent manners, and since so few people do it, you'll appear as a clear cut above the rest!

Sometimes, we try to be so creative, so original, we overlook the simple kindnesses. Classics do work. Who doesn't like to be thanked?!

Click here to send thank you gift baskets online.